Get Stuff Done - The Podcast
In conversation with Jo Collins
Jo Collins, CEO Sales Perfromance
Get Stuff Done Episode 5 – Jo Collins
“All of a sudden, it was Jo from Sales Performance”
In 2015 Jo Collins took the big, brave step of leaving INM to set up her own company, Sales Performance. Five years on and a load of success later, Jo gives us an insight into some of the things that she has felt we all need to try and be successful, including being really collaborative! She talks about work she has enjoyed doing in helping to create a community of support for Cystic Fibrosis. How lockdown has allowed her to expand her business across the Atlantic. There’s also a couple of good book tips so have a pen at hand to scribble them down. Enjoy the chat.
Running Time 11’42”
Recorded via Zoom.
What is Collaborative?

Collaborative is a new way of engaging a marketing agency. We formed in 2020 to bring expertise to both B2B and B2C clients who require top-class marketing and communications at a time when resources are stretched. Collaborative looks after everything and lets you get on with running your business.
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Aidan Sheeran | 087 2513135 |